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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Write on Me: Chevron Meets Chalk

I found this at Saver's for .99.  My daughter found it also and I give her credit because I found it first but decided it wasn't essential. As it turns out, it least to my daughter, who once home, quickly forgot about it.  I didn't want it to end up in a toy bin, lost, dented, unused for all of eternity, so I rescued it and now it's at least in the open air...I actually haven't decided what it's purpose should be, but I'm sure it will find one...knowing our household it will end up containing either pens, change, or M&M's...yes, we're an original household. It had a sticker on it that said "Write on Me".  Has anyone ever invented chalk that's as thin as pens? Those would be useful for the space, given here. 

I put this tin canister in the functional art category because Chevron is very in these days, and for good's pretty!! And that's a fact.  The chalk sticker thing gives it even more character and versatility.  I won't ever write the name of the items which it holds...that's redundant, in my most humble opinion.  It's not like I'm a rebel though.  It won't write "PENS" on it if I'm using it for plastic silverware...but I also won't write "PENS" on it if it's containing...Pens. 

I think it was a good investment for .99, even though I could've gotten a can of refried beans for about the same amount, of which we buy large amounts at Costco.  I doubt I would have found this at Costco for .99, and I think the refried beans will probably be there tomorrow, so that justifies my purchase. 

The identifying sticker on the bottom says: Manufacture name: Nanzhou Hardware Arts. When I Googled this name a lot of weird websites came up and none had this item.  Etsy, Oriental Trading Company, and Amazon: had something similar without the chalkboard thing. 

The only other Chevron item I own at this time is a gift bag that my daughter received for her birthday.  I forgot what was inside, but I kept this gift bag and it hangs on my closet doorknob. Right now it's job is just to sit and look pretty.  Someday I envision making it into an art project, but who has time for art projects? 

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