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Monday, July 7, 2014

Like Totally

I found this at Goodwill for $2.99.  I'm not sure why the word "Radical" wouldn't be carved into a soft wood plank thing.  I don't feel like going to Wikipedia right now and finding the origins of this tubular word. I just don't.  I need a break from Wikipedia.  I'm sure I'll come back to it, seeing as it has the answers for everything.  If the reader feels deprived I will gladly research it for a later time, after I've come through safely on the other side of Wikipedia burn-out

This time I'm rebelling (gasp); just like the soul who decided the best word on the planet to carve into a stray piece of wood would be "Radical".  I'm assuming the person wanted to avoid any cliche wood-words like: "Cowboy", "Campground" or "Outhouse".   Thankfully they agree with me that having word art like: "Laundry", "Bathroom" and "Eat" grace the very same rooms where those functions obviously take place due to the other non-verbal material culture (need we safely assume that if a washer and dryer are present, this is the correct room in which to do laundry, and if there is a refrigerator, table, island, dishes, and most, this would hint towards it being a place where one would most likely eat) is outright silliness for lack of more righteous phrasing.  But, alas, each to his own.  Who am I to judge?  I have a "Radical" sign hanging above a bright orange locker filled with mugs.  I appreciate symbolism but sometimes carving a random, vintage-like word into a left over piece of scrap just seems to be the right choice.  Sometimes making sense of things is just boring.  I fully support the word-choice even though it seems like this sign would be seen hanging somewhere in a Route 66 Cafe and instead of "Radical" it would most likely say "Ladies" or "Gents".

There's no telling markings on this artwork to indicate that it was mass-produced although if tomorrow I found something similar at Pottery Barn I wouldn't be surprised (need we say Aluminim Rolodex).

Maybe I'm trying to find some good reason that this word should stand alone in my kitchen.  What's the story behind it to justify it's mysterious, non-identifiable, capitalized, non-apologetic space hogging, randomness?

Well, I don't have one! I just think it's cool.  I think it's rad.  I think it's bold.  I've realized I could use more boldness in my life and less defensiveness, while we're at it. I'd like to be able to speak my mind with conviction,  and make my point succinctly enough to not bore people, but leave them wondering about me, but not in a cryptic, creepy way, as if I had a double-life and was leaving some mysterious message for only a rogue detective to find along the path of my shattered, law-evading existence, but in a "Wow, she's authentic, I'd like to hear more of her bold thoughts and opinions."

I'm sure it's a fine it was for this young sap who decided to go with his heart and etch a word that felt right at the time...He may have gotten fired from his job etching boat dock signage, or Old Western Paraphernalia, but it was worth it.  He was true to himself in his writing, another good lesson to take.  And I don't care that I ended that last sentence with a preposition and started the new one with "And"; the tides are changing, yes they are.

1 comment:

  1. Very well said my insightful well-wording friend. REAL!!


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