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Thursday, July 17, 2014

DIY: Word Art: Crap I made YOU

So I found this plastic faux-metal frame at Savers for $1.99.  I wanted something round for that particular blank space on the wall.  I thought this would do it, despite the square corners.  Long story didn't cut it.  I couldn't pretend its hard edges weren't there.  I've never been great at denial.

I decided it needed some spray paint and I had red and green left over from Christmas.  I cut these sayings out of magazines and taped them onto the background with that patterned tape used for holds pretty well (And someday I will make page two of my child's scrapbook). I moved it to another place on the wall and eventually, you'll be happy to know, found another round-round item to put on the wall.  For those of you who are waiting with baited breath...I shall tell you.  It's a mirror that looks like a's awesome.  My husband told me he had one in his bathroom as a child.  I wasn't sure what to make of that but at least I knew it was somewhat...not young...approaching vintage status possibly.  I will discuss it in a future post, if I can figure out how to photograph it without myself in the picture (Need we say Vintage Pantry Queen Mirror).

Language is powerful.  I am guilty of not using language to my advantage, although my job is to use it to other's advantage and empower themselves to do the same...easier said than done (no pun intended).

I hope our digital age doesn't eradicate paper formats because there's something so therapeutic about taking words out of their original context and using them in a whole new and different way.  Talk about coloring outside the lines...I mean usually taking things out of their context is frowned upon, but magazines make it so easy and tempting.  We should not pass up an opportunity for a beautiful, tangible magazine...because who knows for how long we will be able to take scissors to paper, without feeling guilty...this is one thing tablets etc will never be able to replicate.  Call me old fashioned...exclaims the blogger.

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