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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

More Office Supplies...

Has anyone seen these pretty file folders at Target? They are $3.99 for a set of 6 (2 each). The front has a saying and the back is just the picture. They didn't make it to my filing box-thing with the boring file folders.  They are sitting on my desk, leaning on some giant sticky-notes (I mean giant), because they are too pretty to sit in a box.  Has anyone ever framed a file folder? I love functional art, but sometimes it's hard to free the art to function (aside from its function of making me happy by its beauty), especially in a box.  I'm from the desert, so desert beauty speaks to me.  I appreciate the vast expanse and varied terrain.  From far away, things may look brown, but you get up close and all of a sudden there's green, and blue, and all the other colors of nature.  I'm guessing there may be people who don't see the desert as I do and that's okay...because more file folders for me!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Office Supplies

My husband found this hot pink scale at Staples.  The cat in the background, we found on the streets.  He's a street cat but he could have fooled us with how quickly he made himself at home...He's a chronic photo-bomber. His name is Luke. But this post isn't about Luke...

I've always loved office supplies.  Who doesn't? And the more colorful the better, is a general life principle to live by...don't you agree? If you don't, keep your drab, colorless, modern, opinions to yourself...

I guess it doesn't surprise me that I take the time to make a collage of my beautiful scale. Her skin-tone is perfect for making pictures pop!

It only weighs items up to 7 lbs, which is the downside. What's really annoying is that my bathroom scale doesn't weigh things if they are too light, so at times I have to actually do math and subtract the difference between two boxes weighed on the bathroom scale...Sigh...math. Who knew it would come in so handy later in life...besides engineers, and scientists, and the writers of "Big Bang Theory", and doctors, and business people...besides them...who could've known?

So, needless to say, my math skills leave something to be desired, but that's another story.

On another note, if we could get this amazing, vintage, scale, that once belonged to my Grandfather to work again, it may solve all my scaling problems...and financial problems, because when it's not jammed (with change when my brother and I used to play with it) it actually charges people money to weigh them. Hello, early retirement!

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