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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Match Box Jig Saw Puzzle

I want to talk about miniature things today, starting with this neat, miniature match box puzzle that I found in some of my Grandmother's things. It has 12 wooden pieces and says "Shackman" and "N.Y." on the box. There is no date of production but many think it was manufactured in the 70's. 

I want to briefly mention the definition of miniature from Google: “(especially of a replica of something) of a much smaller size than normal; very small.”

leads me to believe that it could be the same company.  Here is the description:  "Since 1898 B. Shackman Company has been manufacturing and importing unique gift items. Many remember our famous store in lower Manhatten in New York City. Now you can buy our wonderful products direct online around the world!" 

In my research I discovered that Shackman also made other miniature things including furniture, which lead to these other names: Reutter and Bespaq and if you Google them you will find miniature furniture such as this: 

Check out this website for Shackman Miniature Furniture:

During my research a Google images search for the word, “miniature” brought up a slew of miniature items, including miniature houses, miniature food, miniature animals. I was particularly taken with the mini llamas. I love llamas...very noble and proud creatures are they. 

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