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Friday, April 5, 2019

Dining Room Chairs-Finally

In November, 2017 I wrote about the retro, Target butter dish and how we didn't have any dining room chairs. Well, a year and a half later...drumroll...we now have two! Here is one of them. They are identical twins, so just use your imagination. And I guess, as with many identical twins, there are small differences that give away who is who; (I read somewhere that 'whom' may soon be going the way of the Do-Do and good riddance.

In this situation, I can tell the chairs apart as soon as I sit on them. One of them (Let's call her "goody-two-shoes") reacts like one would expect a chair to act, in that when your butt hits the're sitting. The other one (Let's call her, "The Black Sheep"), reacts by giving way to over plushy-lack-of-firmness needed to provide comfortable sitting posture.

I shouldn't complain because we found them on the side of the road.  I don't think I can rightly claim dumpster-diving street cred because technically they were not  in the dumpster, but in front of the dumpster. And it wasn't me who got out and Tetris-esquely put them into the back of the car.  But it was me, who expertly spotted them, turned around, and sacrificially allowed my 9 year old to do the honors, while I never figured out how to turn on the hazards. You're welcome, dining room!
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