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Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Ozarks...wherever that is.

 I found this vase at Savers.  It was $1.99.  I'm not supposed to be buying knick knacks unless it meets one of my exception requirements.

The first exception for knick knack consumption is if it's of the Christmas persuasion.  Christmas knick knacks are always acceptable and if I had the space and money I would have a whole house just to store Christmas paraphernalia.

The next exception is if the knick knack is being purchased for someone else...someone else who doesn't mind knick knacks.

My final exception is if the knick knack can double as something other than just a random, cute, statue collecting dust on an otherwise uncluttered surface.

I suppose, by nature that vases are knick knacks that double as functional art.  They can argue that their job is not just to sit there and look pretty, but to also be the designated containers for flowers that have no other way of existing in-doors, unless you have a terrarium or one of those alligator inhabited glass rooms like in "The Happiest Millionaire".

Now that I've rested my case on breaking or not breaking the knick-knack rule, I will move on.

Let me begin with the obvious.  This vase is very orange.  The picture makes it look darker and redder; it's actually more of a Sunkist Orange shade.  The color Orange has a history in my family genogram.  My Grandmother's favorite color was orange.  My Mom's least favorite color is orange.
In the past, my suggestion that my mom's hatred of Orange is somehow related to her mom's love of orange has been vehemently denied.  Nevertheless I try to be objective about my own beliefs and feelings about the color orange and not allow my personal opinions to be swayed by my family's strong convictions about this controversial color.

Although I love this vase in and of itself, I have to be honest that as of yet, I haven't been able to find the perfect place for it in my house.  So, I'm not sure what will become of it.

 One similar to it is going for $8 on Amazon:

Speaking of orange vase says "The Ozarks" on the back of it.  Until this vase I didn't know where the Ozarks were.  I thought it was a small town somewhere up by Canada.  Wikipedia has helped me understand that the Ozarks are a mountain range or a "high and deeply dissected plateau" that sprawls through a few different states including Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Kansas.   So, that narrows it down. On the bottom, in handwritten, blue ink it says: Oct 12, 1973.  So, this mysterious item is possibly older than my husband and may have been purchased as a Christmas present.  So, this vase leaves more questions than answers about its origins.  I hope I can do it justice by finding the right place and use for it.  It has miraculously made it this long without getting broken.  I shall not fail it....

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