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Thursday, May 1, 2014

My first UPCYCLE

I found these sconces at Savers and Fry's...they're one of a kind.  The main ingredients are the Bookends from Savers and the candles from Fry's.  Wait, back up the train...that's right I scored these steel, red, bookends from Savers for $1.99.  I intended on using them as bookends but when I got home I realized that I had forgotten how a bookend was natural bookends were the books themselves holding each other up as their own tension cord between the two sides of the bookshelf.  There was no room for these bookends and when I put books on the short side of the bookends it engulfed the pretty red design; if the books are supposed to lean against the long side, then the short side removes a big chunk of room from the shelf...nonetheless, I needed to find a new use for them because I wasn't seeing that $2 again and I already was feeling sheepish enough at how low my common-sense IQ must be.

I can't tell you how the inspiration hit me, because I don't know, but it did and this is the result! Our large mid-century modern mirror (Passed down from my aunt after my Grandmother died) hangs in the middle.  Since our Dining Room has no lighting fixture (unless the very off-center skylight counts) these small flickers of light should help to set the tone...and provide night.  I hope the cats aren't too intrigued by the flickers and try to pounce on them from the Dining Room table, inevitably burning the house down.  That's just my hope.  And my other hope is that someday we'll be able to afford a proper lighting fixture for above the table...that and windows coverings to replace the year old paper ones...not sure if Savers can help me with that one...but with Upcycling, one never knows...

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