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Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Ironic Things

Does anyone else find this a bit ironic, seeing as this miniature plate is, in itself, a thing. It's an interesting sentiment though, because many people collect things, and it's not  considered a bad thing, per se, unless it becomes a hoarding situation, where the collected things, start taking over ones mind and life and house, and then they become the unwilling beneficiaries of the show "Hoarders". But then, if we delve deeper, the quote seems to be implying that collecting "moments" is superior to collecting "things."

I feel like every time I turn on Twitter or the news, I see another article exploring the superiority of "experiences" over  stuff. Here's an article by Uptin Saiidi explaining this phenomenon,

Here's an article: by Elissa Strauss, taking the devil's advocate point of view, of the elevation of experiences versus stuff.

I have to say I agree with Elissa's point that one can't experience "experiences" without stuff facilitating those experiences.

Nevertheless, the plate's sentiment, though not without controversy, is still a quote I might find myself saving in my Quotes Board in Pinterest, because it sounds cool.

I didn't buy the plate. I took its advice however, and made a moment, out of writing this blog post. I haven't written in months and the plate's somewhat hypocritical statement, inspired me. Inspired me to troll it, by blogging about it. Inspiration comes from everywhere, moments and stuff alike, and you can quote me on that.

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