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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Christmas in July...and August and the other 10 months.

I found 4 of these Saguaro glasses at Savers. I bought them with the Christmas season in mind, however we use them year-round. Sometimes I think they should go in the Christmas closet and come out only for Christmas season (October-February). However, after thinking about it, I've decided that sometimes Christmas decor needs to be year-round. These glasses are one of those exceptions.

*An aside: I've decided that cats photo-bombing my item shots are going to be my new trademark.*

Why are they an exception, you ask. Well, for starters, I picture Christmas drink-ware being more muggish (of or pertaining to resembling mugs). These glasses are perfect for ice-cold water. Believe it or not, even in the desert we drink hot beverages, when it gets below 76 degrees (outside). So, for 9 months out of the year, these bad boys are the right choice.

Also, they just make me happy. And isn't happiness the main rule of item non-discardis.

And how can you not just adore Saguaros? They are the most welcoming plant, with piercingly sharp injection-like spines, out there. Their cacti arms extend outward as if saying: "Welcome to Arizona, but don't get too close or I'll stab you right in the cornea."

Anyone having grown up in AZ has Cacti-run-in stories. And anyone having grown up in AZ should own glasses like these and use them year-round.

I feel like I can say that and show my bias outright, especially in this political day and age where one is allowed to say anything without repercussions.

I hope I have persuaded you to go buy Saguaro, Christmas glasses and use them year-round, even at the cost of peer pressure or ridicule at committing, out-of-season-household-heresy. Sometimes you have to stand up for what you believe.

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