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Monday, May 30, 2016

Volcom Hoodie

I found this freaky sweatshirt at Savers for $1. This particular Savers was due to be closed for forever the next week and the clothes were significantly "picked-over" which is another way of saying, "Other annoying people got there first and this is what they left."

This particular sweatshirt was in the women's aisle and when I bought it I had no idea the hoodie zipped up all the way. In fact, I didn't even know these types of sweatshirts existed.

Imagine my surprise when I went to try it on again at home, with my 6 year old standing by, and voila...THIS. My daughter was intrigued and I was seriously freaked out at my reflection in the mirror. Also, I'm claustrophobic and the fear of the zipper malfunctioning and me being stuck in this thing forever was terrifying. I tried to use my logical brain and knew that if the zipper malfunctioned, I should be more concerned with my scissor-happy child poking my eyes out or stabbing a major artery while trying to cut me free.  

How could this fun trip to a dying outlet thrift store result in these death-defying outcomes? I just wanted a lightweight sweatshirt that I could wear to the beach. 

That night as my husband worked on his computer, my daughter and I decided to try to scare the crap out of him, because why not. I think it would have worked except for my daughter's hysterical laughing as I waited patiently for him to notice me while trying not to pass out from the fear of my own reflection in the mirror. Without her laughs I may well have passed out before he noticed this beachy, Hawaiian masked stranger about to strangle him or even worse...delete the video he was working on. 

He slowly turned, smiled, and said: "What is this.?" I asked him why he wasn't more scared and he said: "You were too nice about it." I guess next time I try to make my husband scream like a little girl so I can never let him hear the end of the time I scared him with the freaky sweater mask outfit and he screamed like a little girl, I will NOT be so nice about it (evil-hands and squinted eyes emoji). The rest of the evening, the three of us took turns wearing the sweatshirt and trying to scare each other.  My daughter is the best at acting like she's scared. My husband should take a cue from her (in the name of humoring his wife once in a while...and in the name of acting). We live in a dramatic household. 

All dramatics aside, I found this very sweatshirt on Pinterest, eBay, and Riamart.  Volcom is the company that makes it and officially named it: "Boys Vacation Full Zip Youth Sweatshirt". I can think of some other names for it, but they may not be quite as politically correct. 

I found a couple of interesting articles on the "hoodie" which I will list below. Apparently, people that wear full-mask hoodies are sometimes, up to no good...I say sometimes, because when my daughter walks to the beach in this thing, I will stare down anyone who judges her intentions, as more than just an anonymous walk to beach, while preventing her face from being accosted by the cool ocean breezes, and who can blame her for that? 

I copied this from Pinterest: 

"Volcom is an action sports based modern lifestyle brand that embodies the creative spirit of youth culture."

Here are the hoodie articles: 



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