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Thursday, April 16, 2015

Make Life Sweet...That's a Command.

I found this at Goodwill for $4.99.  It's some sort of metal and heavy.  I tried to Google it but found nothing about this item. It hails from a company called "Creative Enterprises".

At first I thought it might be good for a child's room or an ice-cream parlor, but it hangs in my living room with all the other random art.

Word art is one of my favorite types of art, which is interesting because I have a gut reaction to cutesy, trite, oversimplified, sentiments...However, I'm not one to ever turn away ice-cream, or sweet food in general, especially, in Phoenix, AZ, where ice-cream has a cooling effect on the body that gallons of water do not...even when doused with electrolytes...Therefore, this specific command, coupled with the adorable mutt, advertises not only canine appreciation, which I'm all for, by the way, but also heat-hygiene.  That's right, heat-hygiene...In the desert, if one is not prepared for sudden waves of killer heat, (need I say dehydration and sun-stroke), then things could turn ugly fast.  So, making life sweet is not only a play on words, encouraging us to enjoy the good things in life, but also a public service announcement, commanding, in a friendly way to stay hydrated...or else!

I'm a hypocrite.  I've lived in the desert my whole life and have many times failed to wear sun-screen, inducing years of sun-damage, painful sunburns, and impending skin-cancer.  I've walked past college students selling water bottles on my way to the top, unshaded, level of the parking garage, to my un-air conditioned car, in the middle of summer...I'm a Phoenician, I got this...I'm like a Saguaro that can horde water and be fine...until, I start to lose consciousness and barley make it to a gas station before passing out...

That's why even, trite, cutesy, sentiments, aren't so bad at times...they can even save one's life and uplift one's spirit, when taken to heart.

With that said...let's make life sweet today...

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