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Thursday, October 30, 2014

Music Box via Savers

Found this at Savers for $2.99.  It spoke to me, of course, right off the bat, however, I left it, went back, etc. and finally decided to commit even though it was over $1.

It's a music box.  Don't ask what song it plays.  I think it would be even more cool if you turned the knob-thingy and typing sounds came out of it.

She reminds me of Marianne in "The Music Man."

There's tissue stuffed in the bottom of it; not sure what that's about, but it seems to work fine.  Hello, functional art? Not sure about that...but she speaks to me.  Not because of her bun, or high heels; not even because of her very casual writing-wear...but because she owns a cool typewriter and appears to have the time she needs to write her novel, without many distractions.  Talk about luxury.  That's the life right there.  If she has an ocean view and is within walking distance of a taco shop, even better.

I don't think the year 1983 had any clue what the future far as distractions and technology go...they seemed to think flying cars and robot-maids were the next big least that's what I gather from watching "The Jetsons".

Part of me envies her and another part of me cringes at the thought of her having to walk to the library, go through card catalogues and microfiche in order to do her research, when if she was a modern writer, she could just whip out her i-gadgets and be done with it, allowing her ample time to beat the taco shop rush.

However, she's an inanimate object, so what she doesn't know, won't hurt her.  She's free to be blissfully ignorant and type, type, type, away.

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