Sharing is Caring

Saturday, March 1, 2014


I am now the proud owner of (See Title).
I found it in the lunch room of my office, hanging out with a ton of other kitchen things that had been donated for a silent auction.  Nothing on the table caught my eye quite like this little feller. Another one in the same condition (small crack in back housing) is going for $47 on ebay.  I bid $15 and won with no competition.  I  saw on email that several items had bidding wars; not this bad-boy; apparently no-one else wanted this diamond in the ruff.  I think he looks good just chillin' on my counter-top next to the microwave, but my husband uses him to open cans as was his original design.

 I have no intentions of putting him up on ebay for now but have wondered if appliance paint in a bold, color, okay I'm thinking green or bright-bright yellow would make him stand out even better, in all his vintage glory.  I'm not sure if appliance paint is a vintage-sin but I'm learning that life is too short to worry about stuff like that (committing vintage-sins).

If I could I would give him a more prominent place in the kitchen of his own, such as his own shelf or his own twirling-cabinet thing, but for now he'll have to be content to keep my other non-vintage appliances company. And hopefully, if he's willing and the microwave, and toaster are receptive, he will impart to them, his wisdom and share his experience of growing old with grace, an art, I fear too many appliances these days have forgotten.

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